Saturday, April 4, 2020

Post-pandemic to-do list

Funny how suddenly our life's changed because of the pandemic. Even funnier that probably some of our life's priority changed too.
There are many little things that we took for granted and we delayed because we thought we had a lot of time, but we can barely get out of our house without worrying these days.
There hasn't been a day that I wake up completely worry-free since last month, so I'm just gonna use this space to write on little things that I want to do once this pandemic is over. Hopefully ASAP.

1. Meet up with friends and hug them
2. Have a Korean BBQ dinner at the restaurant (not at home like what I've been doing these past few weeks)
3. Have wine night with my uni friends
4. Visit øsechill
5. Visit Harry Potter Orlando
6. Do that overdue road trip from east coast to west coast
7. Enjoy latte and strawberry roll cake in my favourite coffee shop
8. Lunch date with old colleagues and coworkers
9. Attend festivals and music concerts
10. Karaoke
11. Shop on vintage clothing stores that I've never visited before

Please let this virus vanish soon. But until then, stay safe and stay inside!

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