Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Thoughts on Ahn Jaehyun & Goo Hyesun's divorce

As a huge NJTTW fan, I was so angry when the divorce news dropped. Not because of the divorce itself, but because of the messy state the divorce was (and still is) in. I'm just worried that the production team decided to keep him and thus affect the entire show. As a selfish fan, my priority is only the show lol. At first I was mad at Jaehyun; I fully believed the entire statement by Goo and I believed him as being fake throughout his entire marriage. But now that both statements are out, I can safely say, both of them are crazy.

Honestly, I'm not surprised. There's no such guy like Jaehyun in real life. There were hints dropped here and there, even in NJTTW.
Jaehyun once said, he held hands with Goo before sleep and read book to each other. Na PD said, after 6 months of marriage, if you're still like this, I'm gonna take you to the hospital.
Soogeun also said, a guy like you is scary. You always smile and laugh, but you'll explode one day. You have to let it out.
And you see, aren't both of them right?

From Jaehyun's statement regarding the divorce: he painted Goo as the crazy one, gold-digger, and stalker. He said he was depressed ever since he got married, but didn't he play the romantic husband image even until NJTTW5 which was in his 2 years of marriage, yet he said he immediately received treatment in the first year of marriage? Maybe he did try, maybe he thought if he fooled others, he can fool himself too.

From Goo's side: she said Jaehyun didn't give her the love as a husband should, cheated, criticized her body, she admitted to break in but refused to said as breaking in because she's still the wife thus she has the rights, she also refused that they agreed on divorce, while Jaehyun said they agreed.
But, could it be that her demand was too high that Jaehyun grew tired of her? And could it be that they did agree to live separately yet she can't accept the fact that Jaehyun left her? And after all that, she still wants to hold on to the marriage and not let him go?

This is toxic relationship. I've been there and there's no wrong individuals here. Both of them just happen to met the wrong match.
I was very much like Goo in my last relationship and my ex was very much like Jaehyun. When we got to know each other, we immediately clicked. Everything was flowery, beautiful, passionate. We can't stop talking to each other, he wanted to meet my parents (in less than a month of dating tf), we were so sure of each other. As fast as the fire lit up, that's how fast the fire died down. We broke up after few months. He cheated.
Just like Jaehyun who chose to spend his birthday with other women and left Goo at home, my ex also chose to spend Thanksgiving with other women and left me at home.

My ex liked me immediately because I was different, according to him. I told him that I didn't want a casual date and I wanted relationship. Sound familiar like Goo?
He agreed to it and I was showered with love (or so I thought). He made lots of efforts; he planned a trip to watch meteor shower, which is my most favorite thing in the world, he cooked for me, he tried to match my taste in food, matched my sleep schedule so we could always do phone call before sleep (also this reminds me, I told him I liked phone call and I meant we should do it only every few days if we can't meet. He said he didn't like phone call but he called me every single day. He literally went from 0 to 100, and I went along with it. I was also dumb. We dumb), basically fulfilled every request I made.
My mom warned me, that it was not normal, but I told her, I know this guy, I will be fine. Well, guess who cried to her mom few months later? LMAO.

I was happy and I thought he did that because he wanted to. I didn't account the fact that it was not his personality, but it was a him that wanted to match my expectation. And I guess that's Jaehyun too. Jaehyun probably isn't a romantic guy by birth. He's probably being romantic and tried his best, because he wanted to match Goo's expectation.The thing is, Goo and I, we didn't expect those treatments. We think the men acted so, because they wanted to do it, not because they thought it would make us happy. There is a lot of mismatch there.

Jaehyun probably wanted to date for a while before getting married, but because Goo wanted serious stuff and he did like her a lot at this time, he agreed to get married.
My ex also probably wanted to just fool around a bit before making sure to be serious with me, but I wanted a relationship and he didn't want to lose me (now that I think about it, it's probably not because he liked me that much, but because he just want to prove he can get a girl like me), that's why he agreed to a relationship.
This is recipe for disaster.

Towards the end of our relationship, I noticed my ex was getting more and more distant. The thing with the situation was I refused to believe that he fell out of love because the love was so intense at the beginning, it seemed extremely weird that he kept a distance. While the fact is that there was no love at the beginning. It was all effort to win me. Now that he won me and I became obsessed with him, he lost interest. And as I was obsessed with him, the mystery part of the chasing disappeared and he realized maybe I wasn't as how he pictured me in his mind. So he went to find other target.
At this point, third-party outsider would have said that he's a jerk. (I mean he is, but I can't blame him for that) However, it was also my fault that let him in very quickly and fell so hard and so fast for someone who was not on the eye-level with me in terms of relationship. He was wrong because he chose the quick way out by cheating, he was wrong by not communicating what he felt at the beginning, but I was also wrong by trying to get something from someone who didn't want the same thing as me.

Some people would've said that I shouldn't be apologetic on what I want. If I want a serious relationship, then I should not lower my standard to the guy's standard. I agree. I didn't say that what I wanted was wrong. What's wrong is to expect the others to have same expectation as I did. You should always listen to what the others said. One lesson that I learned over the years, if a guy shows you how he actually is, believe him. Don't try to change him, don't even think that he will change over the years. If they said, "I actually don't want this, but I want this because I want you.", GET OUT QUICKLY. That's not a romantic statement, that's a pre-disaster statement.
I repeatedly told him, "Don't change yourself for me". But he said, he wanted to try his best and he thinks relationship is about compromising so I shouldn't worry about it. Yet towards the end they became tired and realized they didn't want to do it anymore. I just don't understand men.

Goo may have seem crazy, but Jaehyun was the one who made her like that.
Jaehyun is a jerk, but Goo could've avoided the situation if she didn't push for serious relationship at the beginning.
Both of them are wrong. And the only thing left is divorce. If Goo holds on to this, she will be the one that will continue to get hurt. (Plus, why would you want to stay with someone who cheated??? I guess that's the only difference between me and Goo, cos when I found out my ex cheated, I yeeted right away, like instantly the same hour I found out he lied, I broke up through text lmao).

Anyway, tldr; get Jaehyun out of NJTTW7 so the rest of the cast won't be affected and the show can go on, because even though he's not 100% at fault, it seems like the entire Korea is angry at him. Take him back when the situation is better if the production team really likes him. Protect the rest of the cast members cos I just want my show this year, please.

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