Friday, April 17, 2020

Fandom = Cult?

Goodness I need to rant.

I am in a fandom. I have been in the past 11 years I would say? However, I've only been actively involved for the past 3 years-ish. At first, it was fun and all. Of course it's fun; you get to share how you feel with people with the same mindset as you do. But is it healthy?

Enter Confirmation Bias. Confirmation Bias is a type of cognitive bias that involves favoring information that confirms your previously existing beliefs or biases. 
So basically, you intentionally/unintentionally filtered information to suit what you want to listen. You make yourself believe that other people think the same way that you do. Example: when fandom goes crazy when their idols are being recognized in Billboard or Vogue, and get mad when they don't because they BELIEVE that what they think is what other people also think.
I learned about this in Organizational Behaviour class (the confirmation bias theory, not the fandom one lol) and I still love it to this day. People do this all the time. Everyone. Not just fandoms. But it can get worse in fandoms, which brings us to my rant today!

Few days ago, I listened to The Tablo Podcast (#29) in which he discussed about his Youtube subscription list. He said he followed people whose views he doesn't agree with. The producer (like any other sane human being) was confused and questioned him why. Like, why would you give subscription count to people you don't agree with?? Subscription is kinda important in Youtube, right??
So his reason was, "I don't want my subscription list to be the thing that echoes back my thoughts to me. I don't want people to only tell me things I want to hear—there's absolutely no growth in that. I like opposing views so I can protect the views I have and also make my views evolve."
He specifically mentioned it's not hate, but opposing opinions. Hate and criticisms are different. If you still can't tell the difference, please go educate yourself. He wants it cos he wants himself and his opinion to grow and change for the better.


In fandom, it's like people are afraid to voice their opinions if it doesn't go with the general opinions. So I'm labeling them as cult with bully mentality.
I'm specifically annoyed and triggered by people who praised EVERY SINGLE THING that their idols do. To me, it just looks like they don't want the idols to grow, and honestly even turn me off from the said idol and I wanted to piss them off purposely lmao. Praise when they do something right, criticize constructively when you have to. You can't praise someone who does a bare minimum. Some people are so afraid of praising other singers who are not their favourite. Why? Are you afraid? Is your idol that weak? Do you think by praising other creative works your idols will be threatened?

This is one thing that also annoys me. By praising them blindly, it makes you look like you don't trust them. You don't trust their ability to grow and to compete.
I can be a person that loves only one single artist in the entire music world, but I can still point out great things from many different artists. Heck, even my idol learns from other artists!!! And what sucks is that sometimes I see a stan account who never listens to song from certain artists but when the idol they like listened to it, suddenly they'll be like "OMG thank you for introducing me to this great song. TASTE."

Yeah, right.

Spineless stan just eats up everything. I guess it's great that you give unconditional support to the idol, but then again, YOUR IDOL WON'T GROW THAT WAY. I mean it's not like they notice their fans are praising every little thing they do or opposing. I do LOL. And it's just infuriating to me. I'm constantly annoyed, but I don't block them or anything, cos it becomes a reminder to me TO NOT BECOME LIKE THAT.

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